How we can help?

Woodhask is keen to help to solve problems, manage risk and seize new opportunities by offering a range of services across operational, transactional and forensic advisory.

At Woodhask, we offer a comprehensive range of advisory services to help you achieve your goals. We help you create, transform and protect value. From finding ways to finance growth to understanding how to manage risk and regulation; from identifying opportunities to optimize operations, we provide the expert support you need to thrive in a fast changing world.

Our approach to offering the best quality service possible is assured by:

  • Our breadth and capabilities
  •  Multi sector knowledge and expertise
  • Clear communication

Our primary services include

Business risk services

Our risk management service allows companies to progress faster and efficiently towards growth. Risk management is a structured focus to manage uncertainty associated to a threat through a sequence of activities that include risk evaluation, development strategies to manage the risk and risk mitigation by means of managerial resources.

Business risk services include:

  • Internal audit
  • Compliance and regulatory checks
Forensic investigation services

The complexity of organizations, the speed of transactions, the high rotation of key employees and other organizational risks are some of the main factors responsible for the high rate of frauds in companies.

Forensic investigation services include:

  • Forensic investigations
  • Accounting irregularity and misconduct
Regulatory & Legal

We have your back, and the way forward.

Changing regulations shift the ground beneath your feet. Let us help you reimagine a new story. One where planning isn’t a luxury, but a steady, empowering necessity. Where intelligent detection of risk creates mitigation. And in the imminent arrival of new legal issues, you’re already prepared.

Cyber & Strategic Risk

Put threats at a disadvantage.

It’s time to define the field of play on your terms. Because risk is never static and is always looking to shrink your opportunity. So expose it. Dynamically reframe risk by transcending a manual, reactive paradigm. Let us provide actionable insights that enable you to not only manage threats but get out in front of them—and put your next opportunity into play.

Other related services include:

Other related services include:

  • Corporate recovery and restructuring
  • Debt recovery and collections
  • Human resource audits and planning
  • Solvency and receivership